Part time heavily closeted Satanist and full time not so closeted Satanic loon Paula White-CAIN has recently addressed the Prosperity Gospel Annual Convention at Gilman Hot Springs, California. Offering up prayers to the self-appointed King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who stood smugly nodding and self-lauding the New Cyrus, David and Messiah 2.0, the proverbial slayer of Abel (despite her self-proclaimed prophetic omniscience) didn’t manage to espy our carefully concealed fly on the wall Glossy News Satire transcription experts…
PRAYYYYYY backwards,
Hear why we kill the oppositionists.
We off track, country DIVING
Now we sing, you are NOT one.
How we loathe you now, parishoners?
Oh hear ME, Christ be not within me.
We stir the churn of sin; O poisoned rivers,
It’s swell to see we’re lousy.
Mexican lives will end for him.
Confused the Twitter signs
You’re all sorta shocked
To hear Me call Me Lord,
Where’s YOUR God to save thee?!
Do not dream to be saved,
From those who abide in the House of Satan..
One nation today;
All we pray for
Three branches who we’ll see too late.
Pray now and to see…
The Lord turned on me,
For I was a lying fool…
Magus agony,
Falling from a holy height.
No escaping mass rally bullshit,
Be on your toes.
Here’s to our Sweet Satan.
Take manifest dest’ny’s path
And be not sad,
In me’s your faith.
Kushner dwells at 666
With evil fools,
Who know they’ll make youSUFFER SADLY!
“Families won’t be freed,
Yea sacrificed to ME!”
DIE, captive worker!
Always me ye see now
Wall! Not ruins!
The world is giv’n to me?
None shall wish your Sovereign’s FALL!
Pluck those feathers
None shall save turkey!Only losers follow rules!
And no losers can do.Hunt migrants by the shore,
We see ’em all from there,
Ban fake news
Bring non-alt-facts to grief!
No-one speaking truth, but me…
Now the tweets are out!
Spake the Donald:
I never fail, a classic line-up
You’re FIRED and FORSAKEN!Losers just like you…
O what may losers do…End those who say your Lord
Cannot make laws,
My math is just tremendous! Recession ended…
Over there,
Mexican and Chinaman must serve me.
Any mute I mock with scorn’s delusion
Invalids, cripples, veterans I shush,It’s for my ego’s sake.
All round I’m sung,
No opposition, HO!
In White House I got blown
Make vanilla sherbet snow seem worthy,
How odd I look, O Ritalin-sickly,
There’s one chance – reality my show!
Tremendous head
Hear why my hands are strummed sung here.
Who’s sacrificed to mine empire built below?
I abandon Israel…
For some reason, the final line or two meant very little to faux ‘Israel’ supporters who have recently been playing it both ways (not in a Jimmy Swaggart kinda way though!)
Led Zeppelin have yet to comment on this astounding find…
And not for the first time!
Get down on yer knees and BEG for forgiveness!