Posted in Politics War Zone

CIA Balanced Budget thanks to Low-Cost Uzbeki Torture

According to a scathing report published today in the International Daily, the CIA relied on military intelligence extracted from Jolly Jihadi Muslim prisoners by methods of torture at extraordinary rendition centres in Uzbekistan. Uz-beki-where? someone shouts from the depths of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! CIA Balanced Budget thanks to Low-Cost Uzbeki Torture
Posted in Politics War Zone

Army Honors Pig War Veterans

In observance of of Veteran’s Day, Army Chief of Staff General George W. Casey presided over a ceremony at Fort Benning, Georgia today, honoring “our nations greatest heroes,” by which of course he meant the veterans of the infamous 1859…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Army Honors Pig War Veterans
Posted in Politics War Zone

Remembrance Sunday: Lest We Forget, You Know, Stuff

It is Sunday, November 8th and though Remembrance Day officially falls on the 11th of the month – to recall the end of World War One on that date in 1918 (and too the timely demise of Kaiser Bill’s Imperial…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Remembrance Sunday: Lest We Forget, You Know, Stuff
Posted in War Zone

Weapons Inspector: Suicide Profession or Good Fun?

Police are investigating a possible crime scene after a British atomic energy and weapons specialist involved in negotiations with Iran over its nuclear programme fell 40 metres to his death inside the UN’s headquarters building in Vienna. Officials announced this…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Weapons Inspector: Suicide Profession or Good Fun?
Posted in Politics War Zone

Balkanized Iraq Needs Strong Leadership

At least 132 people have been killed and 520 injured in two massive car bomb attacks in Baghdad, according to the FUBAR News Agency and reports coming in on the Abattoir Channel. The blasts hit the Department of Injustice building…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Balkanized Iraq Needs Strong Leadership
Posted in War Zone

UN Goldstone Report Hints Israeli War Crimes “Uncool”

The UN Human Rights and Wrongs Council has backed a report into the festive season-of-goodwill Israeli offensive in Gaza that accuses the IDF and the Knesset government of dastardly Nazi-style war crimes bordering on a genocidal mini-Holohoax. The report, authored…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! UN Goldstone Report Hints Israeli War Crimes “Uncool”
Posted in Politics Top Stories War Zone

CIA Funding Tech, Linguistics, Some Iranian Terrorist Groups

The United States military hawks have thrown their hands up and cried “Time Out!” as they hotly deny accusations of having played a role in a deadly terrorist suicide bombing in southeast Iran. “We condemn this act of terrorism and…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! CIA Funding Tech, Linguistics, Some Iranian Terrorist Groups
Posted in War Zone

UN Convoy Delivers “Aid” to “Congo”

A UN convoy has finally arrived in rebel-held territory in the Devastated Republic of Congo, bringing supplies to some of the 250,000 refugees displaced by the civil war. It is the first aid – or meal – since the August…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! UN Convoy Delivers “Aid” to “Congo”
Posted in War Zone

Bliar Gets Pariah Treatment from Grieving (Germaphobic?) Father

A father’s grief boiled over yesterday into a furious rage when he came face to face with the man blamed for his son’s death. Ex-UK Slime Minister Tony Bliar offered the handshake of condolence during a reception at a London…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Bliar Gets Pariah Treatment from Grieving (Germaphobic?) Father
Posted in Top Stories War Zone

Israeli War Criminals – the New Nazis?

Israel’s Chief Minister for Genocidal Activities and former head honcho of the IDF’s ‘Brutal Thug’ Brigade – General Moshe ‘Boogie’ Slimeberg – canceled a recent visit to the UK due fears he would be summarily arrested on war crimes charges,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Israeli War Criminals – the New Nazis?