Israeli War Criminals – the New Nazis?

Israel’s Chief Minister for Genocidal Activities and former head honcho of the IDF’s ‘Brutal Thug’ Brigade – General Moshe ‘Boogie’ Slimeberg – canceled a recent visit to the UK due fears he would be summarily arrested on war crimes charges, according to the Knesset’s Office for Black Propaganda & Anti-Semitic Whingeing.

Pro-Palestinian human rights and wrongs groups in Britain want him nabbed and incarcerated to face trial over the 2002 killing of the Gaza Gangsters’ top military commander – Sheikh Fizzy al Kaseltzer – and a legion of hapless innocent bystanders.

Israeli (US-supplied) F-16 warplanes rained a hail of (US supplied) Mk 84 two thousand pound bombs on al Kaseltzer’s home in a densely populated area of Gaza City burying him – his wife and family – and at least fifteen other Hamas officials – plus a score of Palestinian children, beneath the rubble of a four-storey block of apartments – and seriously injuring and maiming over 120 people in the vicinity.

The ‘acceptable collateral damage’ announcement by the IDF following their scandalous attack received condemnation across the world, which turned to absolute outrage when Slimeberg further defended their military actions by declaring on Israeli TV’s ‘Zionist Warmongers’ channel that “The innocent must suffer alongside the guilty – and this includes any Palestinian scum old enough to bleed.”

General Slimeberg, who is also vice prime minister, had been invited to attend a charity dinner held by the London branch of the Jewish Holohoax Perpetuation Society to raise funds for new West Bank settlements and pay for the purchase of more bulldozers to demolish Palestinian homes – and squash foreign protesters.

However his spokesman Hymie Weaslestein confirmed that the foreign ministry’s legal team had advised against it.

Slimeberg took further legal advice from Seymour, his attorney brother in New York who counselled he should not set foot outside Israel “to avoid playing into the hands of anti-Semitic Holohoax denial propagandists – or the police.”

“This is a campaign whose goal is to de-legitimise the state of Israel,” Slimeberg said in remarks quoted by the Paranoia Gazette. “We have enemies everywhere out to destroy us.”

Israeli media reported that the advisers believed General Slimeberg would not be accorded diplomatic immunity – in contrast to Defence Minister Ehud Barkingrat – a fellow war criminal – who recently visited the Labour Party Conference in Brighton without interference.

Britain – reacting positively to the appeals by Amnesty International and other human rights and wrongs watch groups – adopted the legal principle of “Universal Jurisdiction”, under which domestic courts in countries around the world can try war crimes suspects, even if the crime took place outside the country and the suspect is not a citizen. If you are involved in a criminal case, make sure to contact the New York criminal attorney here.

Palestinian campaigners sought Ehud Barkingrat’s arrest last week in Brighton, in connection with Israel’s ‘Operation Kill Every Fucker’ military invasion of Gaza in December 2008 and January 2009, but Old Bailey High Court Judge Sir Sheldon Corruptenstein declined to hear the case.

Likewise in late 2006 General Slimeberg was in New Zealand on a private scrounging trip organised by the International Shylock Mendicant Society to drum up funds to support Israel’s terrorist state.

An Auckland District Court judge Wazir al Twatt issued a warrant for his arrest for alleged war crimes arising from his role in the 2002 assassination of Hamas leader Sheikh Fizzy al Kaseltzer in Gaza City, in which a Biblical multitude of Palestinian civilians were killed – stating for the record that New Zealand had an obligation to uphold the Geneva Convention’s statutes relating to war crimes.

However the Attorney-General of New Zealand – Moses Ben-Scumovich – a former Kiwi strangler – overruled the warrant after receiving a phone call from Jacob Rothslime in London advising that there was insufficient evidence to arrest his good friend Mr Slimeberg – and that the cheque was in the post.

So does Slimeberg bear any true regrets for his responsibility in ordering the extra-judicial murders of innocent Palestinians? Do bears wear big hats? Does the Pope shit in the woods?

Alas he regrets nothing, and according to a recent statement made to the Hawks of Zion magazine he declared “We have to eliminate the Palestinians and then confront the anti-Zionist Iranian threat immediately.”

“There is no way to stabilize the Middle East today without defeating the Iranian regime. The Iranian nuclear program must be stopped before they have as many nukes as we do and can go tell the West to kiss their ass with certain impunity.”

Thus Universal Jurisdiction might be a grand Renaissance concept in theory but one tasked with insurmountable obstacles to put into practise while war criminals hide within their own nefarious national boundaries – and behind their towering concrete walls of racial segregation.

So we ponder with due diligence – how does what remains of the ‘Civilised World’ and ‘International Conscience’ enforce Nuremberg style trials on Israel for their crimes against humanity – the Palestinians – the Lebanese – and too the innocent victims of their world-wide false flag terrorist attacks?

Further, can such judicial authority and action ever be enforced against God’s Chosen People without Divine sanction?

Author: Rusty

Rusty's Skewed News Views are spoof publications, fired by the ironies of human nature and tempered with elements of satire and parody, and should not, therefore, be taken too seriously. These are inspired by traveling around the Earth more times than Skylab and composed while observing the inherent idiocies of Mankind. Thus lawyers be duly advised : All libel writs issued on behalf of offended humourless ego's and / or those blighted by unqualified arrogance herein lampooned may be addressed to : Rusty the Boddington's Badger, Igloo 27, Pasquinade Gardens, Penguin Parade, Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica - or via