Posted in Politics

Excremental Attacks on President Remain a Mystery

The first incident was not actually October 22 on the South Lawn of the White House, as has been widely reported.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Excremental Attacks on President Remain a Mystery
Britain First
Posted in Politics World News

Er, What?! Britain First Leader Acquitted of Hate Crime After Innovative ‘Transracial’ Defence

White-fisted fash-resembling golden boy and BNP-loving beta bully bitch Paul ‘Golden Balls’ Golding, high on his recent right-wing entryist scam against and/or for the Conservative Party, is now high on a very different kind of narcotic… And we don’t mean…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Er, What?! Britain First Leader Acquitted of Hate Crime After Innovative ‘Transracial’ Defence
Posted in Serious Commentary

Things Fall Apart: Is the UK Doomed to Dystopia, or Are We on the Verge of Real Progress?

The election of Boris Johnson in the UK has led to fears that the UK has voted in a potential dictator. Some scoff at ‘Boris Derangement Syndrome,’ just as many people scoff at ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome.’ Others are convinced the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Things Fall Apart: Is the UK Doomed to Dystopia, or Are We on the Verge of Real Progress?
Posted in Religionism World News

BURN THE WITCH! Washington DC Pastor Arrested for ‘Insanity,’ Defrocked for ‘Heresy & Blasphemy’

An African-American pastor has been arrested and institutionalized for what Fox News has called an ‘utterly unhinged, dangerous, extremist, De Niroesque mafia rant’ outside the White House. According to sources, Catherine Ukunda Underhill spent ‘close to ten minutes’ spreading ‘divisive…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! BURN THE WITCH! Washington DC Pastor Arrested for ‘Insanity,’ Defrocked for ‘Heresy & Blasphemy’
Posted in Serious Commentary

Sore Winners & Sore Losers: Are We Losing Our Power to Discriminate?

The old saying ‘It’s just not cricket’ expresses the survival of old chivalric norms of fair play, which survived into the sporting realm of more recent times. England and the UK, of course, can be credited with the Queensbury rules,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Sore Winners & Sore Losers: Are We Losing Our Power to Discriminate?
Mafia don
Posted in Top Stories

The ‘Teflon Don’ Gang Bunkers Down In The Senate Building

A creepy figure creeps along the side of the long, white stone building, avoiding the lights, embracing the shadows. He was searching for the secret entrance his co-conspirators had informed him of.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The ‘Teflon Don’ Gang Bunkers Down In The Senate Building
Posted in Politics Top Stories

GUEST POST: Dear Leader Donald Denounces ‘Fake Christian’ Conspiracy Against America!

ED: We’d like to welcome world-renowned/notorious web troll Donald Trump to our esteemed publication. We would like to remind our reminders that no money has changed hands for this exclusive Ted Haggard-style guest post. Why would a person of faith…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! GUEST POST: Dear Leader Donald Denounces ‘Fake Christian’ Conspiracy Against America!
Love peace
Posted in Serious Commentary

GIFT OF THE GABBARD: Why I’m Personally Rooting for Tulsi! 💙☺️

When a general guideline is misapplied to inappropriate cases, problems can arise. In the era of Trump, hypocrites say ‘do not claim your brother or sister in the faith is not of God.’ But whether it’s PC to say this…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! GIFT OF THE GABBARD: Why I’m Personally Rooting for Tulsi! 💙☺️
Tibetan Buddhism
Posted in Politics Religionism


Self-appointed True News guru and cash-addled global super-warmer Sean Hannity is warning the world of an unprecedented threat from religious fanatics that (at least from all that we can gather from the right wing of the Fake News Industrial Complex)…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Hannity WARNS COMPLACENT AMERICA of Buddhist World’s LIBERAL BIAS!
Posted in Politics

A Very Liberal Day In America: by Ali-Asghar Abedi!

Liberal bias is pervasive and is corrupting America. Let me walk you through a typical day to show you how liberals have crafted a very sophisticated subliminal messaging program to brainwash Americans into their way of thinking.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Very Liberal Day In America: by Ali-Asghar Abedi!