Posted in Strange People

Thurmond Tried to Swap MLK Day for Stonewall Jackson Day

Legendary confederate statesman Strom Thurmond one time tried to trade away a holiday to celebrate the life of Civil Rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr in exchange for a national day honoring Confederate General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, who was…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Thurmond Tried to Swap MLK Day for Stonewall Jackson Day
Posted in Strange People War Zone

Dick Cheney Blasts Americans for Letting Terrorists Win

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Former Vice President Dick Cheney blamed Americans yesterday for “being in bed with” terrorists. “The people of this nation are as much to blame as their pusillanimous, light-skinned president for delivering the head of democracy to the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Dick Cheney Blasts Americans for Letting Terrorists Win
Posted in Strange People

Alaskan Villagers Purposely ‘Being Bad’ To Get Coal From Santa

Point Barrow, AK (GlossyNews) — Residents of the Arctic town of Sealgut Alaska have resorted to extreme means to get their heating fuel supplies for this winter. Faced by two months of near total darkness and bone-chilling cold with little…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Alaskan Villagers Purposely ‘Being Bad’ To Get Coal From Santa
Posted in Politics Strange People

25yr Coma Man Wakes, Stunned to Learn of Black President

Ozark, Alabama – Jeff Stills was a successful crop farmer from the lower state of Alabama that was raised on a farm he would soon call his own.  Unfortunately on the night of April 6th 1984 he flipped his General…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 25yr Coma Man Wakes, Stunned to Learn of Black President
Posted in Human Interest Strange People

Crematorium Imposes Fatties Ban

The relatives of a 40-stone (254 kg) man from Scumerset informed a reporter for the Mass Graves Gazette that the undertaker had advised them the deceased’s body was too heavy for cremation. Frank McGrunt, a 95-year old former meat pie…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Crematorium Imposes Fatties Ban
Posted in Strange People

Sippin’ Whiskey – Okay – but Sippin’ Beer?

A controversial Scottish brewery has launched what it described as the world’s strongest beer – with a 32% alcohol content. Tactical Nuclear Penguin – with a radioactive half-life of several centuries – has been unveiled by SpewDog of Twatborough.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Sippin’ Whiskey – Okay – but Sippin’ Beer?
Posted in Strange People

Devout Jewish Fan Boys Prepare for 19th Annual Yarmulk-Con

New York, NY — Beginning next week, scores of religiously fervent Jewish males will descend upon the Jacob Javits Center to participate in the highly anticipated 19th annual Yarmulk-Con. The registered attendees have spent months on the Internet generating buzz…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Devout Jewish Fan Boys Prepare for 19th Annual Yarmulk-Con
Posted in Strange People

New York Man Guilty of Dying Without License

New York City, NY (GlossyNews): A New York man was held without bail today on charges of dying without a license. Arresting office, and legendary Parking Meter Compliance Enforcement Specialist Miami Fickle, told the Court in sworn testimony, “I knew…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! New York Man Guilty of Dying Without License
Posted in Strange People

PA Prudes Ignore Carbon Footprint

Wanksie, Pennsylvania (Dingbat News) – Chlamydia Muffrot, a 94-year old grandmother, was tasered and handcuffed, then charged with ‘domestic terrorism’ by brain-dead Homeland Security goons for pegging out her laundry on a clothesline strung between trees outside her 18th Century…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! PA Prudes Ignore Carbon Footprint
Posted in Strange People

Not Guilty – by Reason of Being Asleep

A husband who killed his wife by strangling her while he was purportedly asleep and dreaming about fighting off a gang of burglaring scally yobs who broke into his camper van to steal the latest version of the X-Box video…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Not Guilty – by Reason of Being Asleep