Category: Society
Sarcastic Thought Experiment: Accommodating Superstition, Accommodating Men
There is a protest in Tibet because a local cult forbids Buddhist nuns to drink alcohol. (This is a purely imaginary conceit of mine, of course!) The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), faced with the opposition of the locals, decides to…
Empty Heart, Imperishably Creative Spirit (Joy Machine: Poetry & Meditations)
The gaping chasm in my heart is an endless, swirling void of creativity. And my destiny is also yours.
Despair is the Only Fault that Cannot be Mended (Joy Machine: Poetry & Meditations)
More insights for my forthcoming 2018 Joy Machine project! There is forgiveness, and self-forgiveness For almost every human error and fault
Will Things Get Better Anytime Soon? (Joy Machine: Poetry & Meditations)
More insights for my forthcoming 2018 Joy Machine project! Don’t believe things will be better Don’t want to believe things will be better
Chesterton’s Frenzy (A Poem for the Joy Machine Project)
The hour has struck…
An Age of Cynicism? Or is this Every Age?
Sometimes, in a cynical and jaded age (so what else is new?) we turn away in disgust at simplicity, vulnerability, gentleness, sweetness, innocence.
The Brotherhood of Evildoers (An Ode to the Empire of Misplaced Righteousness)
Cain is great O Cain is good! Join our ancient Brotherhood
Word to the Wise… Truly Successful Writers & Professionals Like You Are NOT Perfectionists!
Truly successful people are not afraid of imperfection. I’ve come to the point when I have to decide between priorities for a very serious professional writing task; one which is truly huge in scale, and on which a great deal…
Doctors are Heroic for facing Blood and Guts without Puking, says Surgeon
Dateline: WHYNOT, NC—Surgeons are responding to the criticism that they’re vain and overpaid, by asking the critics to imagine what it’s like being elbow-deep in blood and guts.
Woman sues Women Studies Feminists for preventing her from Sleeping her way to the Top
Dateline: NY CITY—Miss Marylou Ditsy is suing Women Studies departments in colleges across the United States, for creating an atmosphere of political correctness that she alleges has prevented her from sleeping her way to the top.