Author: Brian White
Jesus Forgives (almost) Everything (comic)
Did you know your sins can be absolved? Did you know your conviction can be overturned in the afterlife? Even if you’ve been sentenced to 15-consecutive life sentences, once you die, you’re absolved and free. That’s the power of Jesus….
How Much Really Is That Doggy in the Window? (comic)
We’ve all heard the jingle, but really how much indeed is that doggy in the window? This age-old question deserves an answer, even if the asker is clearly suffering from some sort of chemical or mental impairment. Seriously, how much…
Toddler Tells Parent to “Shut Up” (comic)
If you ever have the misfortune of sprouting offspring, you’ll know what I mean when I say they can get pretty lippy, and mighty quickly at that. Pretty much as soon as they learn to talk, they know how to…
Don’t Let Jesus’ Death Be for Nothing (comic)
We learn from a very young age that Jesus died for our sins, so we can commit them without having to sacrifice animals to our Lord God to earn repentance. Still leaves a few questions, but my question is better….
Hot Ex Wants to Hook Up w/ Me (comic)
So you ever had that ex… you know the one. The one you never forgot. The one that always haunts your dreams. I guess you could call her “the one that got away,” even if it was you that forced…
What Penguins Look Like on Casual Friday (comic)
I Googled this before I drew it, and sure enough, there wasn’t a whole hell of a lot out there showing what penguins might look like out of their tuxedos. Turns out, at least according to my comic, that it’s…
Even Atheists May Hear the Voice of Jesus (comic)
We are all able to hear the voice of God. Even atheists may hear His voice, though it may not carry the exact message that the faithful would like to hear. SCROLL DOWN TO SEE THE CARTOON. Think you know…
Google Adsense Bans Us, After 10-yrs Together. Evil Suspected
Google Adsense banned us a few days ago again, as they’ve done many times before in lesser fashions. This time it was because of an article published more than 8-years ago, which had literally zero traffic, according to… well, according…
You Know What’s Great About Being a Hipster? (comic)
We all hate hipsters, it’s universal. Even hipsters themselves hate the term as much as they despise being one, which is odd, since it isn’t yet “cool” to be a hipster, so you’d think they’d love it. (SCROLL DOWN TO…
Gays Arguably Wrong, Polygamy/Sex Slavery Right (comic)
If we’re going to attempt to pass legislation based on the Old Testament, why stop at homosexuality. There’s a lot of really interesting stuff in the Old Testament, let’s cling to some of those too. Sure, the rail against homosexuality…