Posted in Human Interest

Family Van Swallowed Up by Mysterious Quicksand near Daytona Beach

New Smyrna Beach, FL – Tragedy marked the beginning of Memorial Day weekend in New Smyrna Beach when late Saturday afternoon, a van belonging to an Indiana family of six suddenly disappeared into the sand leaving no trace. As onlookers…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Family Van Swallowed Up by Mysterious Quicksand near Daytona Beach
Posted in Sports

Extreme Sportsman Completes Successful Base-jump, Funeral to be Held Friday

LODI, CALIF – While base-jumping last week in a northern California ravine, Extreme Sportsman Felix Grainger’s parachute reportedly malfunctioned, sending the 28-year-old’s body crashing to the earth at an incredible rate of speed, whereupon he arrived at a gruesome, untimely…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Extreme Sportsman Completes Successful Base-jump, Funeral to be Held Friday
Posted in Society Strange People

How to Not Make Terrible Tattoo Designs

Tattoo art has been practiced from time immemorial, sometimes for good reasons, other times, well, Google it yourself to see what how the other half are left to live. People from different cultures have marked particular parts of their bodies…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! How to Not Make Terrible Tattoo Designs
Posted in Comics Internets Tubes

How hard do hipsters Instagram? (comic)

If a tree falls and blah blah blah whatever does it meh who cares? Age old question with no good answers. Let’s face it, all of them are wrong. But when the same question applies to a hipster, apparently there’s…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! How hard do hipsters Instagram? (comic)