Posted in Serious Commentary

Invitation to Freedom! The Souverainist International Will Destroy the Old World Order!

National sovereignty is not the past, it is the future! Join the Souverainist International, the future of our world! The Souverainist International will restore national sovereignty for ALL!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Invitation to Freedom! The Souverainist International Will Destroy the Old World Order!
Posted in Serious Commentary

Victimhood is Mighty! The Autistic Dark Web Confronts the Bitter Orthodoxies of Disability & Mental Health

NB: For various reasons, I have distanced myself from the Autistic Dark Web (which I have not been involved with for some time), and I give my reasons here. I respect some specific insights from various individuals involved with that…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Victimhood is Mighty! The Autistic Dark Web Confronts the Bitter Orthodoxies of Disability & Mental Health
Posted in Serious Commentary

Bitterness Isn’t Working: The Decline of Radical Autism & the Rise of the Autistic Dark Web

NB: For various reasons, I have distanced myself from the Autistic Dark Web (which I have not been involved with for some time), and I give my reasons here. I respect some specific insights from various individuals involved with that…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Bitterness Isn’t Working: The Decline of Radical Autism & the Rise of the Autistic Dark Web
Posted in Serious Commentary

White Nationalism is Not the Answer: Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid!

White Nationalism is a counsel of despair. White nationalists are indeed 100% correct that the most effective way of stopping Islamic Extremism and racial tensions is killing and deporting everyone of a different race or religion. But if we do…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! White Nationalism is Not the Answer: Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid!
Posted in Serious Commentary

How Long Before Ireland Builds Gas Chambers for the Disabled?

Surprisingly enough, there’s the odd person out there would say I am rarely found speechless about sensitive and contentious issues. I was not exactly surprised by the Irish Holocaust vote to conduct the mass extermination of ‘dysgenics’ and ‘Untermenschen,’ but…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! How Long Before Ireland Builds Gas Chambers for the Disabled?
Posted in Health Serious Commentary

Incel Culture & Neurodiversity: Two Sides of the Same Coin?

I recently moved towards a dialogue on Twitter; and while I knew debates over Neurodiversity were pretty ugly things, even I was shocked at the bizarre distortions of my calls for autistic males to reject victimhood; whether out of malice,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Incel Culture & Neurodiversity: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Posted in Serious Commentary

Love, Loss & Inner Freedom: Three Beautiful Meditations

SOUL EXPERIMENT If you’re on the edge of a volcano, you can see the steaming and the bubbles, and you suddenly realize you’re being held by the collar… What will you do? Scream at them to let you go? Or…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Love, Loss & Inner Freedom: Three Beautiful Meditations
Posted in Serious Commentary

Do Not Become What You Fear: Vote No / Save the 8th Must Not Surrender the Moral High Ground!

Let’s not forget: the need to keep the moral high ground is not the same as the fact of being morally superior. We mustn’t respond to bad ideas or ideals with hatred or condemnation for the person. We have to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Do Not Become What You Fear: Vote No / Save the 8th Must Not Surrender the Moral High Ground!
Posted in Serious Commentary

Get Out of My Bedroom If You Know What’s Good for Ya! The Paradox of Sexual Morality

Is the government playing nice, or is he sneaking into your bedroom? Are your neighbours nice, or are they watching you night and day?

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Get Out of My Bedroom If You Know What’s Good for Ya! The Paradox of Sexual Morality
Posted in Serious Commentary

Liberty Snippets #2

#1 Washington’s ‘Crimes for Humanity’ One day, the truth must be widely accepted: the Balkans war was a very vicious, brutal, bloody war where all sides committed atrocities.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Liberty Snippets #2