Category: Society
My Plan to Donate My Powerball Jackpot Winnings to the Kids in Africa
I was really bummed to learn that I did not win the recent $1.6 billion Powerball jackpot. I was so close to winning it all. I was only off by four or five numbers. Drat! It took me a while…
Conspiracy Theories #4 – Enough To Write A Book About
Conspiracy Theories #4 – Enough To Write A Book About Conspiracy Theories is the hard hitting website that isn’t afraid to investigate and expose the dark forces that seek to prey in so many devious ways upon the general publicum….
In Syria Did Cameron: An Ode to a Dynamic Intervention, in the Mode of Coleridge
In Syria did Cameron A pleasurable jape decree: Where Euphrates river swells with death
Charlie Hebdo Anniversary Tribute (V): The Gilded Birdcage of Spoilt Gods
Quite frankly, if someone believes that children must be deprived of blood transfusions (Jehovah’s Witnesses), or of all medical care (Christian Scientists), or that women are the property of men, or that gay people are sodomites who are all going…
Charlie Hebdo Anniversary Tribute (IV): Are Critics of Religion ‘Hateful Extremists?’
But what, then, are my own limits for religious satire? I will not provide an exhaustive discussion here. I will, however, say that I do not believe that religion is either a ‘force for good’ or a ‘force for evil’…
Conspiracy Theories #3 – More Nightmares To Ruin Your Sleep
Conspiracy Theories #3 – More Nightmares To Ruin Your Sleep Conspiracy Theories is the hard hitting website that isn’t afraid to investigate and expose the dark forces that seek to prey in so many devious ways upon the general publicum….
Charlie Hebdo Anniversary Tribute (III): Moralists are Killing Satire
So let no-one think that by appeasing jihadists or by appeasing unaccountable figures in the countries that Orientalizing intellectuals opportunistically market as ‘the (sole and exclusively) Free World’ that they will avert their malice or their wrath. For, none of…
Charlie Hebdo Anniversary Tribute (II): Freedom of Speech is Not Idealism
So who decides what is blasphemous or hateful? Whoever has the power to do so. But of course, this does not mean that all opinions are equal. For, it is perfectly true to say that women should treated in light…
Charlie Hebdo Anniversary Tribute (I): Every Truth is Blasphemy
Dedicated to the unforgettable and shining martyrs of Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher. I am still Charlie. To start off a series of fake news satire anthologies with a volume on religion seems very appropriate, given the vicious massacre of…
Neurodiversity Bloggers, Autism and Violence
Note from Wallace: This blog post from October 2015 remains thought-provoking. For my part, I would suggest that beatifying us autistic folks is no more reasonable (or realistic and practical) than demonizing us. *** The mass shooting in Oregon by…