Author: Brian White
Coscto Auto-Parts Offers Big Discounts, Bigger Quantities
This week Costco, a warehouse consumer outlet known for low prices on large quantity items, opened it’s first auto parts outlet in Kirkland, Washington. “People want low prices, and we deliver that with volume,” said division manager Marckus Baech. One…
Dumb-talking Girl Deemed Sufficiently Cute (comic)
We’ve all been to that party. There’s a girl there, maybe she’s drunk or just otherwise an idiot, and you just listen and listen as she prattles on about who-cares-what, because there’s that outside chance you can plant a kiss…
Hipsters’ New Fad: Ducks (comic)
Presented in the proper light, anything can be deemed to be cool, hip and worthy. Hell, just slap a fedora on a crap-burger, and hipsters will embrace it wholly. CLICK THE IMAGE to see it full-sized. To see all of…
Who would you pay to have sex with? (comic)
It’s the age-old question. Who would you do? Who would you do for $100? Who would you do for a million bucks? The film Indecent Proposal really re-opened this never-closed question by giving random girls with low self-esteem the impression…
Husband Furious Wife Can’t Listen (comic)
We’ve all been there. You talk and talk and talk, but your message just doesn’t seem to get through. Maybe you’re going about it all wrong. Maybe your tone is unforgiving… or maybe it’s not you at all, but a…
I’m Not Racist or Anything, BUT (comic)
We’ve all heard that phrase a good few dozen times. Some of us have even said it a time or two. But what does it mean? How do those potentially demeaned in our subsequent statements feel? America is far from…
Husband Doubts His Wife’s State of Intimacy (Comic)
If you love your wife, and you doubt that she might love you quite as much back, then you are not alone. Just talk to her and communicate your feelings, and before you know it, the answer will become evident…
Highlighter Pens for Maximum Havoc (comic)
Is it illegal to deface bills? What if you only deface them invisibly? I have a new hobby, and that is defacing large bills invisibly to humiliate future users of the bills. They might be embarrassed, they might get a…
Conan at WH Correspondents’ Dinner: Da Bomb or Bomb (comic)
Seriously, how do they pick these people? I never even knew about them until Stephen Colbert rocked it out in 2006. Before that, and ever since, they’ve invited nothing but third-rate hacks, save for the occasional first-rate comic delivering a…
7-11 Guy Says You Drink Too Much (comic)
If you’ve ever wondered if you’re drinking too much, look inwards, towards your liver, and find the answers. If that doesn’t work, you can also just wait until the people selling you your poison of choice tell you that you…