Posted in Entertainment Politics

Trumpisms 12.0

425 “Trump truth” is an oxymoron. Trump and truth are opposites. And Trump is a moron. That’s your lesson for today. 426 Trump isn’t responsible for anything. He is reprehensible for everything. 427 As a young boy, Trump suffered from…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpisms 12.0
Posted in Entertainment Politics

Trumpisms 11.0

376 As Trump continues to stink in the polls, of course he will try to discredit them. He doesn’t believe in the North Poll or the South Poll. Even the polls of Polland are fake news. 377 Beware of shaving…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpisms 11.0
Posted in Politics

Trumpisms 6.0: Cos You Can’t Keep a Good Hater Down!

146 If Roberts rules for order, he could right the Schiff of state. 147 Britain has its Brexit. Now we need our Trumpxit. 148 Putin has finally confessed — mea culpa crime mea. Trump should too, as the metoo president….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpisms 6.0: Cos You Can’t Keep a Good Hater Down!
Law courts
Posted in Politics

Impeachment Defense Lawyer Jokes

EDITOR: The picture above shows that justice is blind. Not entirely sure what that means. Any ideas??? Why won’t white sharks eat impeachment defense lawyers when they go swimming?A: They are the same skin color…B: They are both in the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Impeachment Defense Lawyer Jokes
Posted in Politics

Trumpisms 4.0: Have We Had Enough Yet?!

93 When Melania gave Donnie a book for Christmas, He put it in the oven. He explained, “I cook all my books.”

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpisms 4.0: Have We Had Enough Yet?!
Posted in Politics

Trumpisms 3.0: Worse & Worser, Curiouser & Curiouser!

ED: Does anybody like sick jokes? Or at least sick jokes about sick jokes? Well here’s a double bill of twisted Trump humor! Don’t forget instalments one and two as well… Trumpisms 3.0 by Richard Seltzer

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Trumpisms 3.0: Worse & Worser, Curiouser & Curiouser!
Donald Trump
Posted in Politics


1 What should do you tell Donald Trump when he’s going to bed at night? “Tweet dreams.” 2 What misunderstanding led to Trump’s disbelief in global warming? He thought the scientists said it would lead to climax change. 3 Coded…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! EPIC TRUMPISMS!