Tag: nigel farage
Dark Nigel Rises: A One Act Play About the Bane of Brexit!
FARAGE: Behind you stands a symbol of oppression. The House of Commons, where millions of citizens have languished under the name of this woman: Theresa May: who has been held up to you as the shining example of patriotism! You…
Dodgy, Machiavellian “House of Cards” Creep Thinks UKIP is Too Extreme for Him
The sinister, sleazy Creep-in-Chief from House of Cards has decided that things have gone too far. Wild as he is, even UKIP is too much.
“But Immigration is Complex…” Uh-uh, Not so Fast
Coming up to the 2015 General Election, the inflammatory rhetoric of UKIP is a worrying feature of the complex political scene in the UK. It’s always been complex, of course… Well, we have had politicians who have expanded the suffrage…
Groundbreaking UKIP-Turn: Kippers Start Actually Hating Foreigners
Nigel Farage is concerned that his Edgy-Rhetorical-Hobby-Club is hemorrhaging voters. So His-Most-Exalted-Joe-Blogginess has come up with a plan to stop the rot (if not the moral decay) within his Circle-Jerk-Pet-Peeve-Party: