Posted in Human Interest Opinion/Editorial

A Prophet Versus Islamists? What Would Muhammad Say? (2/2)

Previously, as a non-Muslim, I raised the question of the distinction between a living letter and prophet, and a dead letter and prophet. And I’m not so much attempting to intrude from the outside of Islam, to set a “program”…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Prophet Versus Islamists? What Would Muhammad Say? (2/2)
Posted in Human Interest Opinion/Editorial

A Prophet Versus Islamists? What Would Muhammad Say? (1/2)

Disclaimer: This is less “humorous” than my usual work (apart from some cheeky memes!), but is not intended as “po-faced” or “solemn.” I’m not suggesting a program or plan for Muslims or non-Muslims, satirists or non-satirists. I’m mainly trying to…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Prophet Versus Islamists? What Would Muhammad Say? (1/2)
Posted in Human Interest Opinion/Editorial

UK: No, Not All Anti-Fascists Are Equal

Unparliamentary Fanaticism The tragic fact is that in the United Kingdom, as in many other countries, there is a fascist presence. However, fascist parties are fringe organizations; not least in terms of their electoral power. Yes… over here, it is…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! UK: No, Not All Anti-Fascists Are Equal
Posted in Opinion/Editorial Society

Like Martin Luther King, I have a dream

On January 19th, this nation will celebrate Martin Luther King Day. The iconic civil rights leader would have been 86 this year. On a swelteringly hot day in August 1963, Reverend King delivered one of the greatest oratories in American…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Like Martin Luther King, I have a dream
Posted in Opinion/Editorial Politics

Time To Retire Grumpy Old Senators

Everybody seems to be blaming the current do-nothing state of Congress on the fractious squabbling between different ideological factions, particularly those of the Republican persuasion. But maybe it’s not ideology at all; maybe it’s just that we have too many…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Time To Retire Grumpy Old Senators
Posted in Opinion/Editorial Politics

“Yucky World” with Dick and Janey: Obamymorons (They’re not what you think)

Announcer: Today’s guest on “Yucky World” will be noted political consultant and lexicologist W.C. “Scoop” Pooper. He will be discussing a new political term, Obamymoron, with our talk show hosts Dick and Janey. Janey: Welcome, Scoop. Dick: Hey, what’s the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Yucky World” with Dick and Janey: Obamymorons (They’re not what you think)
Posted in Opinion/Editorial Society

“Yucky World” with Dick and Janey: Feds to tax bowling jackpots

Announcer: With the federal highway system continuing to deteriorate, President Obama has been looking for new ways to raise money including collecting tolls on the Interstates. Administration tax specialist Mr. I.R. Esse will be discussing this with Dick and Janey,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Yucky World” with Dick and Janey: Feds to tax bowling jackpots
Posted in Opinion/Editorial Society

“Yucky World” with Dick and Janey (^-^) Today’s issue: Sex with a subordinate?

Announcer: Monica Lewinsky was recently interviewed about her affair with former President Bill Clinton. Dick and Janey’s guest today on “Yucky World” will be Hedda Enabler, spokesperson for the National Association of Disorganized Women. They will be discussing the fact…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! “Yucky World” with Dick and Janey (^-^) Today’s issue: Sex with a subordinate?
Posted in Crime Opinion/Editorial

A Solution to Our Prison Problem – Soccer Balls

Newsflash: Our prison population over the past two decades has soared to a record-bursting 2.4 million, according to almost one out of every 100 Americans is currently incarcerated. (Personally, I blame Hollywood celebutantes Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and Justin…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Solution to Our Prison Problem – Soccer Balls
Posted in Opinion/Editorial Politics

Obama’s foreign policy of “Follow the Follower” isn’t working

Announcer: President Obama’s foreign policy has come under serious scrutiny lately. Dick and Janey, talk show hosts of Yucky World, will be discussing this with retired U.S. State Department diplomat J. Foghill Bottom. Janey: You’re considered to be one of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Obama’s foreign policy of “Follow the Follower” isn’t working