Posted in Society

Curiosity Fails to Kill Cat: Car Succeeds

ANDERSON – Though it had spent much of its day eying up a nest of birds in a nearby oak tree, local cat Millie avoided being killed by the concept of curiosity today – instead meeting her demise under the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Curiosity Fails to Kill Cat: Car Succeeds
Posted in Human Interest Video News

Over 86% Of Statistics Are Confusing Say 44% Of Public

A report from the National Research Center reveals that 44% of the public are confused by 86% of statistics published. The vast array of statistics being brought up has generated mass public confusion. Many modern structures are built, not out…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Over 86% Of Statistics Are Confusing Say 44% Of Public
Posted in Comics Politics

Speak English or Go Home, This is ‘Merica (comic)

The turbo-patriots like to cling to some notion of America than never was, like saying we’re a Christian nation (we aren’t,) or that English should be our national language (it shouldn’t.) If you really want to lavish your founders with…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Speak English or Go Home, This is ‘Merica (comic)