Posted in Serious Commentary

Safety of Genetic Engineered Food Argument: Not a Scientific debate but Rhetorical dispute

Throughout history, the essence of technological progress has been its unpredictable applications (e.g. polluting industries and printing presses). Innovations are always a double-edged sword. In the past, technology innovations have taken humanity forward beyond anyone’s imagination. Thus some people argue…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Safety of Genetic Engineered Food Argument: Not a Scientific debate but Rhetorical dispute
Posted in Biz News

Sioux Tribe to Attack Wall Street from Within

It has recently been reported that the Lower Brule Sioux tribe of South Dakota has purchased the Wall Street investment firm Westrock Group. This marks the first instance of a Native American organization diversifying out of the gambling, jewelry and…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Sioux Tribe to Attack Wall Street from Within
Posted in Politics

Congress: Health Care Reform to be Funded by Mysterious Nigerian Prince

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told BSNE at a Capitol Hill news conference, initial contact with Prince D’Uod Mababe was made by Pelosi herself. “I was checking my e-mail in my office when I happened to glance on one that caught my attention,” disclosed Pelosi. “It was titled ‘Help Me in My Financial Distress,’ so naturally, I assumed it was a constituent and opened it. To my surprise, it was not a request for social services, but an offer of financial support!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Congress: Health Care Reform to be Funded by Mysterious Nigerian Prince
Posted in Television

Darth Cheney Memoirs Basis for FOX-TV Reality Show

UNDISCLOSED, DELAWARE – Former VP Dick “Darth” Cheney announced today that he has retained the Trump Organization and The Donald as co-executive producers of his new “Memoirs” reality show to air on Fox this fall.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Darth Cheney Memoirs Basis for FOX-TV Reality Show