Category: News In Your Briefs
Craigslist Congressman says photo was actually for new P90X ad
Backpeddling from his resignation over the recent photo scandal, former Rep. Christopher Lee now says the picture was meant to show off his results from using P90X, but accidentally got e-mailed to the “Women Seeking Men” forum on Craigslist. “What…
After Decade of “Free” Posts, Ariana Walks w/ 3rd of Billion
Pundits, politicians and celebrity bloggers ask, “where’s my friggen money, bitch?” to Ariana Huffington, After years and years of contributing free posts to the political-celebrity site “Huffington Post”, Ariana Huffington has sold out to the very belly of the beast,…
Sarah Palin in Hot Water Over New “Totally Unnocuous” Comment
Sarah Palin, wanting to be sure her followers knew that she was still considering a run for the Presidency, tweeted this over the weekend: “They can’t stop me. Still have my sights aimed at Presidency.”
Keith Olbermann Signed to Exclusive 2-Yr Deal with Glossy News
The erstwhile MSNBC reporter agreed to our admittedly paltry terms after a termination of an undisclosed nature. He was drawn to Glossy News by our willingness to pay for premium coffee in the break room, as well as our near…
John McCain Apologizes to Republicans for Giving Props to Obama
John McCain claims “Like many Americans, I got caught up in the moment when I wrote that op-ed in the Washington Post.” He told fellow Republicans, “Believe me, it will never happen again.”
Palin Supporter Reloads
Arizona Democrat Gabrielle Giffords, representative from one of Sarah Palin’s “crosshairs” districts, has been shot. Good work, crazy people, I’m sure this will do much for your cause of not being considered crazy.
2011 Tall Tale Congressional Cocktail
Just in time for New Years festivities, try to see if you can stomach this tasty treat from the hill. 1 Tea Bag with string 2-3 minutes of warm John of Orange tears 2 jiggers VS cognac 1 dash bitter…
US Inmate John Duty “Put Down”, Vet Wishes to Remain Nameless
A shortage of sodium thiopental, the kinder, gentler drug used for death row inmates in the US, forced the state of Oklahoma to send convicted murderer John Duty to a local vet where he was put down with an injection…
U.S. Gov’t Plays “Whack-a-Mole” to Combat Online Piracy
In a futile effort to combat file-sharing, the ICE (a division of the DHS) has begun whacking down websites suspected of copyright infringement. So far, the score is 70, 75, or 76, depending on who’s counting. A spokesman for the…
Fox: It’s OK for Beck to Say “Soros Helped Kill Other Jews”; MSNBC Agrees
But An Unforgivable, Atrocious Cardinal Sin For NPR To Fire Williams For Saying That He Was Afraid Of Muslims On Planes.