Posted in Politics Top Stories

California Bans Lighters, Matches

In an effort to cut down on arson and cigarette smoking, the California legislature unanimously approved a measure to ban the use, sale and/or distribution of “lighters, matches and other forms of portable incendiary devices”. “Cigarettes and flammable tobacco products…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! California Bans Lighters, Matches
Posted in Science

The Ultimate Modern Humor Article

Researchers at various humor think tanks and humor websites have been exhaustively searching for clues on how to adapt comic articles to our modern times. With the increased dumbing down of the intellect imposed on the public by our schools,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Ultimate Modern Humor Article
Posted in Comics Environment

Why is Spring so Dangerous for Dandelions (comic)

Obviously rain showers for spring flowers whatever, I’m sure there’s an axiom in there, but why are the common yard scourge the Dandelion so dangerous, especially in Spring, and why am I asking this is such elusive ways? Click on…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Why is Spring so Dangerous for Dandelions (comic)