Posted in Biz News Crime

The Term ‘CEO’ Now Has So Many Different Meanings

At one time in our no-so-distant past the term ‘CEO’, meaning ‘Chief Executive Officer’, was invented to replace the perfectly good word ‘President’ as the title for the person heading up a company or corporation. For some reason, some bureaucratic…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Term ‘CEO’ Now Has So Many Different Meanings
Posted in Health Politics

Poli-Soup; The Cure For “All” Your “Ills”

The miracles of our modern world never cease! Claims are now being made by many pundits that their particular variety of political soup recipe is sure to find a cure for whatever ails you. To concoct your own cure, first…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Poli-Soup; The Cure For “All” Your “Ills”
Posted in Human Interest War Zone

First Seaman to Sail Up The Yin-Yang Gone Missing

Having heard about the mysterious and fabled Ying-Yang by scores of people who claimed to ‘have taken it up there,’ and wondering what going up it might actually mean for himself, sailor and adventurer, Frankie Johnson, advised his friends down…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! First Seaman to Sail Up The Yin-Yang Gone Missing