Posted in Entertainment Music

Bono Undergoes Emergency Back Surgery for ‘Atlas Syndrome’

MUNICH, Germany (GlossyNews) — U2 front man Bono underwent emergency back surgery on May 21, 2010, while preparing for the American leg of the band’s “360 Degree” international tour. U2, having sold an estimated 150 million records, is arguably the…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Bono Undergoes Emergency Back Surgery for ‘Atlas Syndrome’
Posted in News In Your Briefs

White Liberals Vow to Never Laugh Again

Auston, TX (GlossyNews) — A group of middle-aged white liberals in Austin, Texas has vowed to never laugh at anything again. Group spokesman, Broice Kafoudlink, or as he is known in the organization, King Fuddy Duddy, declared at a recent…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! White Liberals Vow to Never Laugh Again
Posted in Environment

Pet Stores Donate Birds to Sop Up BP Oil Spill

New Orleans, LA (GlossyNews) — The announcement that shipments of millions of small household pets would be soon arriving to the gulf region was met with cheers by cleanup crews who had all but exhausted local populations of coastal animals….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Pet Stores Donate Birds to Sop Up BP Oil Spill