Posted in Opinion/Editorial Serious Commentary

Centrist ‘Tolerance’ Has its Limitations… ?! Surely Not!

The first time a sentry sees a barbarian marauding towards him with fangs bared, he shoots him dead on sight. At your first glance of a bad faith interlocutor, you should act likewise; but with the arms of the spirit,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Centrist ‘Tolerance’ Has its Limitations… ?! Surely Not!
Posted in Science Science & Technologizzy

Wikileaks: “Devastating” Meteor to hit USA in 2023-2025

Despite many recent controversial public communications, Wikileaks have recently scored their greatest coup yet. They have discovered a state terrorism cover-up from hostile foreign states that NASA and US intel are steadfastly refusing to talk about.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Wikileaks: “Devastating” Meteor to hit USA in 2023-2025