Posted in Opinion/Editorial Serious Commentary

Centrist ‘Tolerance’ Has its Limitations… ?! Surely Not!

The first time a sentry sees a barbarian marauding towards him with fangs bared, he shoots him dead on sight. At your first glance of a bad faith interlocutor, you should act likewise; but with the arms of the spirit,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Centrist ‘Tolerance’ Has its Limitations… ?! Surely Not!
Posted in Politics Technology

The Five Stages of NSA Surveillance Grief

If the recent leaks about the US government’s surveillance of all worldwide electronic communications have left you upset or confused, then you may be experiencing one of the five stages of NSA surveillance grief. Much like Kuebler-Ross’ Five Stages of…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Five Stages of NSA Surveillance Grief