Posted in War Zone World News

REGIME CHANGE! African ‘Coalition of the Willing’ Swears to Save Oppressed French, Restore Human Rights

Given the widespread oppression and state terror the ruthlessly violent and unaccountable Macron regime is weaponizing against the valiant freedom fighters of the Yellow Jackets (Gilets Jaunes), a courageous and deeply altruistic alliance of humanitarian interventionists from former French colonies…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! REGIME CHANGE! African ‘Coalition of the Willing’ Swears to Save Oppressed French, Restore Human Rights
Posted in Opinion/Editorial Serious Commentary

Centrist ‘Tolerance’ Has its Limitations… ?! Surely Not!

The first time a sentry sees a barbarian marauding towards him with fangs bared, he shoots him dead on sight. At your first glance of a bad faith interlocutor, you should act likewise; but with the arms of the spirit,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Centrist ‘Tolerance’ Has its Limitations… ?! Surely Not!