Posted in Podcasts Video News

Summer Worker Meets Famous Golfers, They’re Dicks

College summer jobs in the service industry can haphazardly introduce the young to celebrities big and small. Some celebrity jerk stories are obvious and believable, but others involve caricatures of characters who/which are down right unbelievable. Hard to swallow, if…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Summer Worker Meets Famous Golfers, They’re Dicks
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc

Berke Breathed Breathes Life Again Into Bloom County

Berke Breathed, beloved cartoonist of the once greatly beloved cartoon Bloom County, has returned from the dead…… Oh….. Wait a moment……he wasn’t actually dead…….. He only stopped making his cartoon for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS!!!!!!!!! Bloom County, once one of the most…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Berke Breathed Breathes Life Again Into Bloom County
Posted in Politics Top Stories

Rick Santorum Declares Himself Trans-Sexual…. But Not Transsexual (1/2)

Rick Santorum has not given the warm and generous welcome to the Supreme Court decision that a number of Republicans had anticipated. So he’s decided to avoid a false neutrality on this occasion and really speak from the heart. This…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Rick Santorum Declares Himself Trans-Sexual…. But Not Transsexual (1/2)