Conservative Party
Posted in Serious Commentary World News

The Living Death of Theresa May: How Long Can London’s Most Notorious Political Zombie Cling On?

George Osborne notoriously (some would say renownedly!) compared Theresa May to a ‘dead woman walking.’ But it’s worse. It’s far, far worse. People are even comparing her to Anthony Eden, often considered the worst PM in UK history; although Tony…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Living Death of Theresa May: How Long Can London’s Most Notorious Political Zombie Cling On?
Wallace Runnymede Novel
Posted in Books, Newspapers & Misc

Chapter 18: Totes Subversive (Honest Adolph Volume III)

All Cabinet meetings are unpleasant; but every one is unpleasant in its own way. “How right this is,” mused Morton Megaraparthenon, as he graciously strode into the chamber.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Chapter 18: Totes Subversive (Honest Adolph Volume III)