Posted in Religionism Society

1st Century Jesus, 21st Century America: Does the Following Story Sound Familiar?

In order to get perspective on the religious dilemmas of 21st America (and to some degree elsewhere), let’s rewind a couple of millennia to a period that in some ways, looks surprisingly (or unsurprisingly?) familiar. In the first century, an…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! 1st Century Jesus, 21st Century America: Does the Following Story Sound Familiar?
Politics Corruption
Posted in Biz News Politics

Bills Stamped “Not to Be Used to Bribe Politicians” Spent on Lap Dances for Senators

Despite a seemingly bullet-proof plan for intercepting corporate interest bribes, a growing phenomenon that is currently outstripping even the nefarious deeds of the mildly controversial Church of Scientology, some of the growing number of bills marked in protest of political…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Bills Stamped “Not to Be Used to Bribe Politicians” Spent on Lap Dances for Senators