Posted in Serious Commentary War Zone

Who Committed Mass Atrocities in the Balkans? (2/2)

Last time: Q: Who gets to decide what is a ‘Genocide’ or a ‘Crime Against Humanity,’ and what is merely a series of purportedly less serious war crimes or atrocities? A: Whoever has the power to do so. … It’s…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Who Committed Mass Atrocities in the Balkans? (2/2)
Posted in Science & Technologizzy

Al Gore Claims Credit for Inventing the Toilet Cam

BOSTON, Mass. – Former vice president Al Gore will tell the American Library Association’s (ALA) midwinter meeting here this weekend that he invented the toilet cam. In a draft copy of the vice president’s address that was leaked to Glossy…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Al Gore Claims Credit for Inventing the Toilet Cam
Posted in Serious Commentary

A Visit to the Modern China in 2009 on its National Holiday

Today is Beginning of China’s National Holiday — 10 day vacation. There’s so much patriotism everywhere you go. Chinese Flag shops are being robbed (figuratively). A lot of people are very happy with China, its future, and its current leaders….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! A Visit to the Modern China in 2009 on its National Holiday
Posted in Serious Commentary

The Difference between Beauty and Art from the East to the West

Beauty and Art is a complex subject that’s culturally and existentially relative A gifted artist between West and East may both extrude life’s beauty to us, but their life’s philosophy determines the style of their expression. A gifted Western artist…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Difference between Beauty and Art from the East to the West