Posted in Comics

I Judge You By Your Ignorant Font Choice (comic)

More than a decade ago, I saw a stupid sign with a stupid, stupid font. I judged them, pointed it out to my friend, and we shared a laugh… then this week I saw it again. Same stupid 90s font,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! I Judge You By Your Ignorant Font Choice (comic)
Posted in Comics

Specialty Cats Bred Exclusively to be Creepy (comic)

If you’ve ever dated a girl with a cat, it’s likely you know how creepy and personal they can be all up in your business. If you’ve ever dated a woman with six cats, it’s likely you were doing charity…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Specialty Cats Bred Exclusively to be Creepy (comic)
Posted in Comics

Long-Term Unemployed Go Back for Degree, Pointless (comic)

This was originally written with the genders reversed, so don’t hate on me, bro or bro-sis. It’s recycled art, so I switched genders based strictly on where they were standing. The long-term unemployment problem of our youth is seriously problematic….

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Long-Term Unemployed Go Back for Degree, Pointless (comic)
Posted in Comics

Even Dogs Can Be Politically Correct (comic)

Political Correctness is pretty annoying at times. Maybe I grew up in a different time, but why can’t I call a Dutchman a clog-stomping windmill-gypsy? And why can’t I call gypsies Greasy Dutchmen? Well dogs learn from us and our…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Even Dogs Can Be Politically Correct (comic)
Posted in Comics

If Your Girl Feels Down, Make Her Feel Important (comic)

Come on guys, we’ve all been there. Your girl is feeling down, you want to be supportive and encouraging, but sometimes your animalistic male nature takes over and you just have to be yourself for a minute. We all get…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! If Your Girl Feels Down, Make Her Feel Important (comic)
Posted in Comics

Cat-Rehab Clinics Sprouting Up Around the Nation (comic)

Addiction is no laughing matter. I tried to get high with my cat the other day, but the Nip we bought was apparently bunk, since it did nothing but give me a bit of a headache. Then I look over,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Cat-Rehab Clinics Sprouting Up Around the Nation (comic)
Posted in Comics

Dog Admits Why He Really Loves His Owner (comic)

If you think you know why your dog LIKES you, you’re probably right. If you think you know why your dog LOVES you, you’re likely awfully, awfully wrong. Dogs are simple creatures. They know love, fear, rage and satisfaction… what…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Dog Admits Why He Really Loves His Owner (comic)
Posted in Comics Environment

Causality up-ended in the Southern Hemisphere (comic)

Imagine if penguins got around to being hack philosophers, and they did it causal Friday. Casual Friday? Either way, doesn’t matter, they’re just flightless birds, so don’t take them too seriously. If causality had made you a penguin, would you…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Causality up-ended in the Southern Hemisphere (comic)
Posted in Comics Kidz Zone

Contest: Bet You Cannot Spot the Difference

You’ll want to enlarge it (by clicking on the image) and study it studiously. The first reader to write back to me with the difference will receive a $20 Visa gift card. Can you spot the difference, or do you…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Contest: Bet You Cannot Spot the Difference
Posted in Comics

Does Your Dog Suffer From Any-Attention-Span? (comic)

Some say that dogs are incredibly smart, while other, equally credible people, say dogs are incredibly dumb. This comic doesn’t endeavor to judge dogs, just meet them on their level and love them for what wonderful stanky fart-factories they are,…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Does Your Dog Suffer From Any-Attention-Span? (comic)