Posted in Politics War Zone

William Hague: Humanitarian Liquidation for Illegitimate GQ Editorial Regime

William Hague may no longer be (Anti)Foreign(er) Minister and Vice-Viceroy of the British Humanitarian Empire™… Nor indeed, a key business strategist for IntCom Imperialist Enterprises™… Still, he has maintained his healthy, thoroughly admirable, and perfectly laudable interest of all… To…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! William Hague: Humanitarian Liquidation for Illegitimate GQ Editorial Regime
Posted in Human Interest Society

Rich And Poor State What They Have To Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving- Mostly the Rich

“I am thankful that I have a job even though I have to work today ’cause my boss told me too.” said Chad Shafted in a slight break between customers at 11 at night at the Des Plains Walmart in…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Rich And Poor State What They Have To Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving- Mostly the Rich