Posted in Gadgets & Gizmos Technology

Local scientist and teen killed in freak Delorean accident

An eccentric inventor and local teen were killed yesterday when the Delorean in which they were riding crashed into a wall at about 90 mph. Martin McFly, 18, and Dr. Emmett ‘Doc’ Brown, age unavailable, were pronounced “really dead” at…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Local scientist and teen killed in freak Delorean accident
Posted in Comics

Artist Refuses to Admit Art is Terrible (comic)

Okay, you guys have given me enough grief. No, these creatures don’t look like cats, but come on, I have no background in art. I’m the humor guy… oh, I’m not funny either? Well bummer for me. Even the cats…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Artist Refuses to Admit Art is Terrible (comic)