Posted in Serious Commentary

Obama Not Reading Book Upside Down When Bin Laden Killed

It has already started, the “What were you doing when you heard the news that Osama bin Laden was killed?” Most of us were getting ready for bed or already there on a Sunday evening when the news broke. Not…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Obama Not Reading Book Upside Down When Bin Laden Killed
Posted in Politics

Birthers Regroup After Minor Setback, Demand REAL Documents

Chastened by Obama’s release of the long form of his official birth certificate, leading proponents of the ‘birther’ movement (now officially dubbed ‘afterbirthers’) met today to rethink their strategy of trying to prove President Barack Obama is not a “natural-born…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Birthers Regroup After Minor Setback, Demand REAL Documents
Posted in Kidz Zone

Mutant 2nd Graders – A Terrifying, Formidable Force

The New York Stock Exchange rose 3,000 points yesterday when news finally reached the floor of mutant second graders taking charge of financial interests in this country. Investment adviser, William Buffington III was reported hiding in a restroom stall, quivering…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Mutant 2nd Graders – A Terrifying, Formidable Force