Birthers Regroup After Minor Setback, Demand REAL Documents

Chastened by Obama’s release of the long form of his official birth certificate, leading proponents of the ‘birther’ movement (now officially dubbed ‘afterbirthers’) met today to rethink their strategy of trying to prove President Barack Obama is not a “natural-born citizen” of the United States. Proposals include:

1) Demanding to know whether Obama was delivered by cesarean section or by “natural” child-birth.

2) Trying to convince people that Hawaii was never a real state.

3) Obtaining a DNA sample to finally prove Obama’s actually a Replicant manufactured by the Tyrell Corporation.

We’ll keep you updated as the story develops…

But until we see proof positive, we’ll have no choice but to believe:

A – That Obama was NOT born in the United States, and CANNOT serve as our legal president, and,

B – That fudge isn’t delicious… you can’t prove it.

Author: Juvenal Delinquent

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