Dictators Bent on Naming Every Penultimate Thing After Themselves (comic)

North Korea is more than the hermit kingdom to me. It’s a place of untold misery, indoctrination and false belief in a false deity. You know, like religion.

I don’t mean that as a slam on Christianity, specifically. No, that’s ridiculous.

I meant it as a slam on each and every religion of this world, saver perhaps for Pastafarianism, which doesn’t have legal recognition as a church, despite it’s adherents appearing regularly in parades and showing their pride on shirts, bumper stickers and car decals.

There are so many great things out there, and it would be great to put your name on all of them. Hell it would be great to put your name on everything… well, maybe not everything.

Scroll down to see the whole comic.


Author: Brian White

Brian first began peddling his humorous wares with a series of Xerox printed books in fifth grade. Since then he's published over two thousand satire and humor articles, as well as eight stage plays, a 13-episode cable sitcom and three (terrible) screenplays. He is a freelance writer by trade and an expert in the field of viral entertainment marketing. He is the author of many of the biggest hoaxes of recent years, a shameful accomplishment in which he takes exceptional pride.

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