Why Gaddhafi Should be Made the US President

With all the problems we have in the U.S. today, it is truly astounding that a simple answer to them exists already and no one has thought of it. Simply make Muammar Gaddhafi the President of the U.S.! The logic of this escapes you? Let us enlighten you.

Why Gaddhafi should be made President of the U.S.:

There would be less money wasted on campaigning and voting–all the other political parties would be eliminated.

He would eliminate the illegal immigration problem–by machine gunning the immigrants.

Our oil dependency problem would be solved because Libya would become the 51st state.

There would be no problem with gay marriage–all the gays would be executed.

There would be no problem with gun control anymore–Gaddhafi would own them all.

Equal rights would become a reality because women can also be in the Army or be body guards just like men–and everyone in the country would be equally screwed over.

There would be no more difficulties with big business taking over everything because Gaddhafi would take them over.

International diplomacy would become very simple–if you don’t like another country, just blow a plane of theirs out of the sky.

There would be no problem with freedom of speech anymore–Gaddhafi would say whatever he likes and you would have the right to shut up and listen.

There wouldn’t be a problem between the different religious factors anymore–there wouldn’t be any religious factors anymore.

There wouldn’t be a problem with loud, demanding protests anymore like in Wisconsin–they would simply be strafed by Gaddhafi’s war planes.

With Libya as a state its vast wastelands would be the perfect place to get rid of our wastes, i.e. household, nuclear and any dead bodies lying around.

“I heartily endorse Mr. Gaddhafi to be the next President of the United States. (As long as I can be his Vice-President) He is my kind of guy. And he has lots of oil.” …Slicky Dick Cheney, former President of Vice of the United States.

Author: rfreed

I was born and I died. Being a disembodied entity makes it very cheap for me to get by. Not having to worry about eating or having a place to live gives me a lot of freedom to squander my time writing occasionally funny articles. See more almost funny stuff at http://inyear252509.wordpress.com/