NOTE: I wrote this not long ago, when I was on the verge of finishing a huge project; after a few very turbulent and painful years.
I will keep going on!
I am suffering a little at the moment, with my health.
But I am also becoming a little more human.
Day by day, hour by hour.
It is when I am most fragile and vulnerable, that I am most open and receptive.
Receptive to change, receptive to love.
This is not always an easy thing.
It is hard to love oneself.
That is why one is always invited not to love oneself alone, or to love one other neighbor; but to be amid Love, which is far better.
I will be able to good things for myself and for other people.
This, perhaps, was why I once wrote:
The journey to self-compassion takes a thousand years.
Better late than never…
No matter what happens, the door back to Love is never closed.