Giganti-Baby May Be Sumo Prodigy by Age Three

Lei Lei, named phonetically after the famous Lay’s potato chips, was a large baby when born, but not extraordinarily large according to his petite Chinese mother. However, ever since his birth, he’s been eating anything and everything in sight, and he is growing twice as fast as other babies his age. It’s like the Robin Williams movie where he ages quickly, except with a morbidly obese Chinese baby.

At 10 months, he is now weighing in at 44 pounds, the average weight for a child of 4-8 years old. That means this wunderkind is 5 to 10 times heavier than he should be, though not exactly as tall or strong as you might expect.

At the rate he’s growing, some doctors expect him to weigh over 250 pounds by the age of three, though many of them are admittedly a bit quackish.

His mother claims his amazing growth is a miracle. The family has been running out of food regularly due to Lei Lei’s voracious appetite, high even by American standards, but beyond belief for one in his homeland of China. They were worried they would not be able to keep Lei Lei in food for much longer, but due to the reports of his predicted growth, the Chinese Sumo Wrestling Club, of which there are very few members, have contacted Lei Lei’s family to offer to feed the child until he reaches the weight of a professional Sumo wrestler in order to try and take the world title away from the Japanese team.

This investment is not insignificant, and it could take as long as two or three years for him to hit the minimum wrestling weight of 165 pounds.

Not only will Lei Lei be honored as the youngest Sumo wrestler known in the world, but he will have the stamina to fight for years longer than other Sumo wrestlers who usually do not reach a desired weight in life until they reach their mid to late 20s.

Lei Lei’s mother has accepted the name the Chinese Sumo Wrestlers Club has given Lei Lei, which is Bebe Peking, which loosely translates to Baby Huey, or Small Roast Duck, depending on the translator’s willingness to be honest. For now, Lei Lei is only wrestling against gravity and his deepest desire to just keep eating.

Author: P. Beckert

P. Beckert's is one voice vying for frequency room at the top of the opinion dial. Angered and bewildered by many of today’s events, P. Beckert uses humor as a tool to fight against an onslaught of stupidity and ignorance that seems to permeate the airwaves and pollute the sensitivities of a once brilliant nation. You can find more at