Gender Discrimination in Asian Horror Movies

A recent study on gender bias in Asian horror movies have left many with weak stomachs in addition to the usual hankering for pseudo-buttered popcorn.

It was found that the majority of ghosts are female and seeking vengeance, thus leaving their male counterparts emasculated, the study said.

The study looked at Asian horror films made throughout the last decade, as well as its Hollywood remakes.

Said a male cinema-goer: “The unfair representation of ghosts in Asian horror films as active agents of revenge leave us males looking lethargic, and, worse of all, incompetent. It seems like chicks always have the last laugh, even after death.”

The viewer also expressed that he only watched horror movies at the request of his girlfriend.

“One needs a living male to prove that men are still capable of protecting their weaker counterparts.”

The interview was cut short when the male viewer’s girlfriend reminded him about his response to her marriage proposal involving a circular token of commitment.

“Ever since we watched the movie with the namesake of this object, he would bail when I ask him about it.”

The girlfriend wondered if he was simply afraid of commitment, or the associated horror film.

“He’s always checking if he can put his hand through the TV.”

Among the typical traits of the much mentioned female ghosts are: long hair, slim figures, high acrobatic ability, and independence.

This is an intimidating factor for some males, as the image of the smart, aggressive, yet attractive young lady can indeed, intimidate.

“They have yet to muster the courage to face their fears in ‘picking up such chicks’, and hence resort to release their cathartic worry through the viewing of horror films en masse, in a congregational rite of passage experienced by many other male movie-goers,” explained a now retired Professor of Sociology, who currently extends his research into the study of gender equality among dead humans, as well as the possibility of female dominance in the afterlife.

“Sociology is an ever expanding field,” said he.

“One gets the feeling that this is some kind of posthumous affirmative action,” said movie critic Roger Humbert.

“After all, the girls are always young when they die. No one wants to pay to see a ghostly hag.”

Author: Rachel Kay