Proves Its Might ala Petitions

After our amazing success with the 62-articles we ran on election day, we were emboldened to go a bit futher. We authored a pair of White House petitions, and both of them went live to the White House site.

One was serious, one was flippant, and both of them got enough signatures thanks to our readers and sphere of influence that they went live on the White House petition website.

Right: Image appears courtesy of Heather Gillam. Click to enlarge.

The first one we authored and offered was a serious petition to create a single-payer healthcare system (article here). It’s currently at 980 signatures and climbing by the minute… it won’t likely hit the 25,000 requisite signatures needed to warrant a response, but they hear us when we speak.

The second petition is even more important, and by that I mean “less important”. The second is a petition to abolish petitions on, since they never get a sincere response, and ultimately, the time and energy invested is simply wasted. (article here.)

So this is pudding to the proof. We hold sway. our articles get scads of readers and handfuls of comments, but more than that, we actually hold real world sway. These petitions weren’t picked up far and wide, they went forth on the strength of my own personal social media network and on the strength of Glossy News as a media powerhouse.

And lest you doubt these petitions actually hold sway, check this out:

Daily Kos picks up our Single-Payer petition, and,
Huffington Post picks up our Petition to Stop All Petitions, and for good measure,
Slate also ran a beg for signatures to our anti-petition petition

That’s three huge sites running stories about our petitions inside of five-days.

Glossy News isn’t the biggest site online. No, it’s barely a blip on the radar, but it does have a strong, solid, consistent, reliable base. And if you doubt that, explain to me how we got TWO petitions published on this month without outside support.

So while I’d love to go on all day and bask in the after-glow of my sexy-time, I’ll instead direct you to the two petitions.

The Two Petitions:

Shut down White House petitions, since they never get a sincere response, few read them, & they are ultimately worthless… (Article about it here)
Create a single-payer healthcare system for the betterment of American citizens & businesses, which will lower costs… (Article about it here)

Author: Dexter Sinistri

Dexter Sinistri is a famously centrist writer who has worked as a Hollywood correspondent for a number of leading publications since 2005. Though once a photographer, Mr. Sinistri struck out as a writer on all things celebrity, and he likes to consider himself a tremendous asset to Glossy News, though by most accounts, he has fallen somewhat short of this effort.

1 thought on “ Proves Its Might ala Petitions

  1. I don’t see any joke in this. Is this a real story? If it is then congratulations. That’s seriously impressive.

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