FB Profile Describes User As “Objectivist, Muslim”

MILWAUKEE – A Facebook profile has gained considerable attention for its user’s seemingly contrary description of her political and religious views.

Amy Milton’s page on the gigantic social networking site lists her political leanings as “Firmly in the Objectivist camp,” alongside a religious inclination of “Muslim.”

Dave Wimbly, president and chairman of the Committee for the Cult of Ayn Rand, expressed a surprisingly understanding view of Milton’s profile, calling it “A great philosophical anthem foretelling the future fountainhead of individual sovereignty as the State is shrugged off the atlas and capitalism becomes everyone’s ideal.”

Meanwhile, cleric Omar bin-Omar of Tehran has conceded that similarities can be drawn between Objectivism and Islam. “For one,” he said, “Ayn Rand wrote a book entitled The Romantic Manifesto, and similarities can be extracted from the Qur’an. Secondly, Ayn Rand never wore a Burqa, and that also melds well with Islamic values in society.”

UPDATE: Milton has lost credibility with some fans after an investigation uncovered her comments regarding Barack Obama and Rick Perry. According to Anonymous, in a 2011 Facebook argument the Milwaukee native described Obama as “Basically an Objectivist with great appreciation for anarchic models of government.” She added, “He and Rick Perry also support a free and independent Palestine, which would make the precepts of Galt’s Gulch that much more relevant.”

Bob Butthurt Dweller, who had launched a group in honor of Milton, now describes her as “The Sneering Communist-Republican-Fascist.” He pledged to quit politics and devote more time to WoW, where Objectivism has a firm foothold.

Author: Veto Votti

Washington, D.C. native stuck in the Alps. I use a typewriter and then copy and paste to my computer screen..it doesn't work so well.

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