Charlie Sheen Ring Tone Downloaded 3-Million Times

LOS ANGELES, CALIF – Charlie Sheen paraphernalia has exploded onto the American public since the actor’s Two and a Half Men firing and interview antics, featuring such memorable quotes as “I have tiger’s blood,” and “I’m an F-18, bro!”

Now online merchandisers are offering Charlie Sheen bumper stickers, t-shirts, book bags, and keychains. Reportedly, an artificial insemination service now features “Adonis semen,” while a Russion wife-finding service has started offering “goddess pairs” at a 10% discount.

But the most amazing success story has been the Charlie Sheen Ring Tone devised by entrepreneur Jason Suzaburg which is said to be getting over 5,000 downloads per hour, a world record for ring tones.

When a call comes in the cell phone owner gets a regular ring then after the ring a Charlie Sheen “Sheen-ism” is heard in a male voice, then another ring and another Sheen-ism.

This reviewer tested the Charlie Sheen Ring Tone and here’s what I got –

My cell phone rang, then I heard:

“Listen up, bro! You got a call from a bitchin’ rock star on Mars! Answer it!”


After third ring: “Dude, answer your phone IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER! Answer the friggin’ phone!”

After fourth ring: “Hey, what’re you on, dude — bangin’ gram rocks? Get with the magic! PICK UP NOW!”

After fifth ring: “Okay, that’s it. I’m comin’ for you, just like Warner Bros. I am going to cut off your head, put it in a box, and send it to your mom!”

Warning: Answer within five rings or it bills you for three million dollars.

Author: Will Johnson

Will Johnson operates several e-commerce websites and writes stage plays in his spare time. Will is editor of