islamic state
Posted in Religionism World News

Saudi Arabia Drops Travel Ban on Australians, Condemns ‘Disrespectful Behaviour’

Australians are well renowned (some would say infamous!) for their straight talking, a national trait which is enough to send even the customarily forthright Dutch and Russians screaming into their safe spaces.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Saudi Arabia Drops Travel Ban on Australians, Condemns ‘Disrespectful Behaviour’
Posted in Serious Commentary

White Nationalism is Not the Answer: Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid!

White Nationalism is a counsel of despair. White nationalists are indeed 100% correct that the most effective way of stopping Islamic Extremism and racial tensions is killing and deporting everyone of a different race or religion. But if we do…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! White Nationalism is Not the Answer: Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid!