Posted in War Zone World News

The Night Before Chilcot (A Poem for the Children)

Twas the night before Chilcot, when all through the nation The people were pondering the Iraq abomination Our hopes were all pinned to a gallows in London Our desire was that Chilcot would damn, with abundance!

WTF?! Click now to find out more! The Night Before Chilcot (A Poem for the Children)
Posted in Top Stories World News

Blair/Corbyn Pre-Chilcot ‘Worthy Fluff’ War Bores Living Shite out of UK

Notable public figure and achingly dynamic charisma-dripper Anthony ‘Phony Tony’ Blair has recently take the time and effort to patiently educate his arrogant, bigoted, pleb scum enemies where they are going wrong… Why, I just have no idea why these…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Blair/Corbyn Pre-Chilcot ‘Worthy Fluff’ War Bores Living Shite out of UK