Posted in Society

Guns Galore at 139th Annual Meeting of NRA

Charlotte, NC (GlossyNews) -– It’s all about guns. Guns, guns, guns. Guns and more guns. There are big guns, little guns, guns that kill just one person, and guns that are capable of killing more than one person at a…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Guns Galore at 139th Annual Meeting of NRA
Posted in Human Interest

Misanthrope Mistaken for Misogynist

David Whittle was mistakenly labeled as merely a woman-hater. His fellow employees were relieved to find out that he is a complete asshole to pretty much everyone.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Misanthrope Mistaken for Misogynist
Posted in Science

God Photoshops Jupiter

Galley Leio, Australia – An amateur astronomer from Australia has photos to prove that God has a computer and He’s pretty good at photoshopping objects in the universe to change their appearance (God that is). Take Jupiter for example. Astronomers…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! God Photoshops Jupiter