Virgin-Baiting Taylor Swift: Mainstream Establishment Feminism Versus Woman Singers

The PC view from the mainstream feminist establishment is that Taylor Swift’s ‘Love Story’ is misogynisticTalk about First World Problems!
Here’s a nice little Exhibit A of this simplistic and crude misrepresentation of this song (it discusses some other songs too):

The lyrics are actually quite subtle; far from promoting a virginal mystique, there is a bit about a ‘scarlet letter,’ which actually undermines and subverts and challenges and paradoxifies the chastity element.

I guess stereotypes are OK, as long as they are the stereotypes peddled by the privileged white bourgeois feminist establishment: ‘Nasty Women,’ ‘Career Woman,’ ‘Disenfranchised Hawk.’

Anyone who has ever had pebbles ever thrown at their window cannot but be moved by the song.

This is about dross becoming gold.

Betrayer and betrayed alike cannot but be brought to tears.

Image attribution:

By John William WaterhouseUnknown, Public Domain, Link

Author: Wallace Runnymede

Wallace is the editor of Brian K. White's epic website, Glossy News! Email him with your content at (Should be @, not #!) Or if you'd like me to help you tease out some ideas that you can't quite put into concrete form, I'd love to have some dialogue with you! Catch me on Patreon too, or better still, help out our great writers on the official Glossy News Patreon (see the bottom of the homepage!) Don't forget to favourite Glossy News in your browser, and like us on Facebook too! And last but VERY MUCH not the least of all... Share, share, SHARE! Thanks so much for taking the time to check out our awesome site!