John Boehner; the Heart of the Party Without a Heart

Speaker of the house, Republican Congressman John Boehner, today spoke out against the recent change in position of Republican Senator Rob Portman regarding the issue of marriage equality.

Senator Portman recently changed his position on marriage equality after relaying the news that his own son had decided to be gay.

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Normally a story like this would gather the oohs and ahhs of the general population, but the speaker of the house decided to show just how firm their party was to any suggestion of being moved by any example of parental love that could possibly impact a human into changing any section of the republican party platform.

When confronted with the news during a liberal media interview, Speaker Boehner stated, “I can’t imagine ever supporting this. My opinion is as stuck in the early 1900’s as anyone in the tea party. I’m certainly not looking to be challenged in a primary battle that’s for sure!”

Although it is quickly becoming a non-issue with the majority of the countries populace, the leader of the republican party in the US house of oppressionist appears to be immune to the controversy.

At this time it should be pointed out that Speaker Boehner’s personal views reflect nothing close to the compassion or understanding of human rights that is expected of our elected representatives. His personal opinion is not only a stain on his own legacy, it’s a stain on the very house that he currently represents.

Author: Mike Kelly

I like finding the humor in politics. Sometimes what you hear isn't that far from the bizarre.

2 thoughts on “John Boehner; the Heart of the Party Without a Heart

  1. I can’t beleive this guy survived reselection as chariman. He’s terible. This is a perfect piture of everything wrong with the republican party. They reward failure. Romney 2015!

  2. John Boehner stands as a centrist these days (admitting, though seldom, when his party is wrong,) and it's just getting worse from there.

    He's in charge or wrangling a gaggle of rabid cats, and he simply has no control of his party. He is orange though, I'll give him that.

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