Akin At It Again In ‘Legitimate Funding’ Row

Although the recent row about the ‘legitimate rape’ claims made by Todd Akin were embarrassing, Mitt Romney was forced to push Akin out of the race for Senate this morning after his comments on ‘legitimate funding.’

At a rally in Missouri, Akin gave a speech about the perils of funding a political campaign.

This year’s presidential election will cost a reported $2.5 billion and Akin felt that after expressing his honest and frank feelings pregnancy, rape, and abortion, it was only right to carry on with his honest and open ways.

“Funding a campaign is hard. You have got to suck up to people. People you don’t like. You have got to be prepared to do anything for them when you get into office,” an impassioned Akin told a cheering crowd.

“With legitimate funding you get results. You need to be underhanded. You need to keep your tax returns private. You need to take from social welfare groups. You need your donors to be hard to trace. You need to accept donations from interest rate-fixing bankers.”

Despite Romney being an advocate of these values, he issued a statement saying that for Todd Akin to say this so ‘blatantly’ and ‘callously’ was ‘not in the spirit of politics.’

“It needs to be sexed-up for the voters or better still, not mentioned at all,” Romney’s statement read. “Talking about ‘legitimate rape’ is one thing, but ‘legitimate funding’ is something else altogether. The party simply cannot abide this. Todd Akin has now stepped down.”

Unsurprisingly, the Democrats had not commented on the matter given that they share the same legitimate funding rules.

Author: Bee

Jack of all trades, master of none.

1 thought on “Akin At It Again In ‘Legitimate Funding’ Row

  1. This really isn’t that far from the truth. It’s like how 100% of politicians say they’ll fix things by eliminating waste, but then never specify what that means or how they would effectively crack-down on an institution as old as Big Government Waste.

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