Defeating the Enthusiasm Gap, Absentee-Style

The buzz word this election cycle is voter apathy, and the GOP is banking on it heavier than the “Viagra for child molesters” myth. In absence of tangible ideas (like what programs they’d actually cut,) it seems the only thing they can hope for is the majority to skip the election.

There is one arrow left, and it makes the Democrats quiver indeed, and that is the absentee vote, which has grown over every cycle in recent years.

There are some fringe voters who are “mad as hell” and will make damn sure they hit the polls in November, but they aren’t taking into account how easy it is for the disaffected to cast their vote.

It may take a hearty, emotional charge to get out of work and head to the polls, but it’s somewhat less difficult to check some boxes, lick a stamp, and mail back your ounce of democratic participation. Even today, you can still register to vote, get your ballot, and get it mailed in (in most states,) but time is running out.

According to the Christian Science Monitor, the State of Oregon is already 100% absentee, with Washington State at 68%, and a 25% rate nationwide.

Short story long, if you’ve already got your absentee ballot at home, fill the damn thing out and commit to dropping it back in the mail in the next 24-hours. Just that easy.

You don’t have to be passionate, you’re free to be disaffected or sub-enthusiastic, you just have to check some boxes and drop it in the mail.

The best part about voting from the comfort is your home is that you can take as much time as you want to research all the candidates and initiatives to get the real, honest, skinny.

King County says you still can get your absentee ballot. The official page is here, and it says you can still get your ballot in, even at the last minute.

Just because you’re disenchanted doesn’t mean you have to let the radicals take us back to the system that got us in trouble in the first place.

Author: Brian White

Brian first began peddling his humorous wares with a series of Xerox printed books in fifth grade. Since then he's published over two thousand satire and humor articles, as well as eight stage plays, a 13-episode cable sitcom and three (terrible) screenplays. He is a freelance writer by trade and an expert in the field of viral entertainment marketing. He is the author of many of the biggest hoaxes of recent years, a shameful accomplishment in which he takes exceptional pride.

2 thoughts on “Defeating the Enthusiasm Gap, Absentee-Style

  1. Too bad a few blue states thought our troops overseas really didn’t warrant to have a absentee vote and dragged their feet in meeting the printed absentee ballot dealine, denying soldiers, sailors, and airmen their voting right. Guess the threat of a conservative or liberal soldier was too great a threat for Democrats to stomach.

    A 2009 law requires local Election officials to send Ballots to expats and Soldiers abroad no later than 45 Days before Election Day.
    An unknown number of Democrat controlled counties in New York, New Mexico and Nevada somehow missed this year’s Sept.18 deadline. Gee! Imagine that! As a result, they have been sued by the feds or reached agreements to give Military personnel and other Americans living abroad more time to return Ballots, USA Today reported. “The various departments are working with all states to investigate and remedy any oversights.’

    Typically, military personnel vote ‘red state’ and in these tumultuous mid-terms the Democrats are looking to do anything in order to pull off a miracle, even if some local municipalties intended to deny the vote to those who protect our right to vote.

    Sad indeed.

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