Construction Site Safety Tips You Should Know About

According to statistics, a construction worker is injured on a daily basis while on the job. The construction industry is full of hazards. It is a dangerous job but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the safety threats can’t be mitigated. In order to stay safe at the construction site, there are guidelines that need to be followed and we’re going to highlight some of them.

Caution When Climbing On and Off Equipment

Falls when climbing equipment are common at the construction site. There are also occasions where someone gets stuck, which results in injuries.

If it is a construction site, mud should be cleaned from the boots before the workers climb the equipment. They should also be wearing gloves so that they have a tight grip when climbing on or off the equipment. The height should be just about right, as no one should be stretching in order to grab the handles. A lot of accidents happen when someone jumps off of the machines.

Stay Clear of Operating Machinery

Some workers will congregate around a machine that is operational to pass time. This could be dangerous because the operator will be under the assumption that the area around him or her is clear. This shouldn’t be a big deal unless the workers are standing too close to the machine. Accidents can happen when you least expect them and that is why you should be cautious at all times.

Caution Around Fall Hazards

There is no construction without a fall hazard. It is the responsibility of the workers to be aware of the fall hazards and to be vigilant at all times. There should be adequate safety systems around such areas to ensure that there are no fatal injuries in case of an accident. Some of the safety systems that should be found in every construction site include personal fall arrest systems, safety cords, and safety nets.

Use Proper Ladder Height

You can’t always get away with using a short ladder. Even if a tall ladder isn’t available, it is not worth taking the risk, especially if it is a considerable distance. There are a lot of accidents that happen because of using short ladders and you don’t want to be another statistic. You can’t be reprimanded for not using a short ladder because it will be against the safety regulations.

Don’t Use Damaged Equipment

You should never use damaged equipment, no matter how tempting it can be. Since it is damaged, it won’t be effective and could be a safety hazard. Some of the damaged parts could include worn-out cables, worn-out harness, and worn-out cords.

Dust Management

This is one of the areas that is often overlooked. Any construction site will result in dust. This could be a health hazard for those that work at a site on a daily basis. If you’re in charge of the project, having an expert to manage the dust will ensure that there are no health complications at the construction site. One good example is RST Solutions Australia. Every aspect of dust control is taken care of.

Have an Updated First Aid Kit

That first aid kit from 10 years ago might not address the current needs at a construction site. The medication and kits might be outdated. You don’t want to learn the hard way when someone gets injured on site. The first aid kit should include bandages, painkillers, ointment, disinfectant, and gauze.

Be Vigilant

The workers need to be aware of what is happening in their surroundings at all times. This is because accidents can still happen, no matter the safety precautions in place. If the workers are cautious, they can reduce the severity of injuries. Workers should be aware of falling objects, as those are some of the main causes of injuries on a construction site.

Don’t Unplug Tools By the Cord

When everyone is tired, there is not a lot of thought that goes into unplugging cords. There are some people that will just yank the cord, which is not always recommended. Such motion will damage the tool over time and can also lead to serious injuries.

To Conclude

A construction site is always going to be hazardous. Observing safety measures is not enough. Extra vigilance is needed because you never know when an accident could happen. For a construction worker, almost everything you do could be potentially risky. You should not only be mindful of the immediate environment but everything that is happening at the construction site.

Author: Brian White

Brian first began peddling his humorous wares with a series of Xerox printed books in fifth grade. Since then he's published over two thousand satire and humor articles, as well as eight stage plays, a 13-episode cable sitcom and three (terrible) screenplays. He is a freelance writer by trade and an expert in the field of viral entertainment marketing. He is the author of many of the biggest hoaxes of recent years, a shameful accomplishment in which he takes exceptional pride.