Posted in Education Society

Unbelievable! Definitive “Thirteen Rules For Debate” Laid to Waste by Pompous Ivory Tower Intellectual!

Renowned Prigley Uni token cameo shitlecturer Rick Aston Judas Khomeini-Butcher has recently provided a suitably vicious list of rules, for debating SJWs, neocons, idiotic Marxist intellectuals and religious fanatics. But surprisingly enough, some are not so impressed.

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Unbelievable! Definitive “Thirteen Rules For Debate” Laid to Waste by Pompous Ivory Tower Intellectual!
Posted in Serious Commentary

Official Truth & Real Truth: What Lies Behind the Government’s Spin on Mass Atrocities

Crimes Against Humanity: Useful Idiocy for the Government? The Wikipedia article for Crimes Against Humanity, as of 31/01/2017 actually comes close to admitting it is an entirely subjective notion. Unlike war crimes, crimes against humanity can be committed during…

WTF?! Click now to find out more! Official Truth & Real Truth: What Lies Behind the Government’s Spin on Mass Atrocities