Operation Pillar of Cloud: Jewish Feds raise $5 million for both victims

Within days of the Israeli attack on Gaza, code named Pillar of Cloud (Hebrew) and Pillar of Defense (English), the Jewish Federations of North America announced that they had raised an astonishing $5 million for the victims. When I told some of the victims that I was going to interview Ms. Goldie Reichstein, Chair of the Victims Fund, they asked me to convey their gratitude, which is how I started the interview:

RIGHT: One of many Israeli-made pillars rises over Gaza communities. (CLICK TO ENLARGE)

    Barb Weir: Thank you for granting this interview. Some of the victims have asked me to tell you that they are very grateful.

    Reichstein: It’s the least we can do, Barb. After all, it is a small sacrifice compared to the victims themselves. Who are the victims that you contacted? Perhaps we can use them to show the donors how their generosity is making a difference.

    Barb Weir: I spoke with Dr. Mona el-Farra of the Gaza Red Crescent Society, Dr. Eyad Sarraj of the Gaza Community Mental Health Programme, Dr Mohammed Al-Sousi of Islamic Relief and others. They were almost in tears at this demonstration of caring.

    Reichstein: I think there’s a misunderstanding, Barb. We aid victims of terrorism, not the perpetrators.

    Barb Weir: I think that’s understandable, Ms. Reichstein. Although these physicians are sworn to provide medical assistance to all, I think they would appreciate your right to make the distinction. The civilian victims will still be exceedingly grateful.

Our aid is only for victims of terrorism, not for the unfortunate civilians that are blown to bits or made homeless by our courageous soldiers in Tel Aviv operating drones in Gaza.

    Reichstein: You don’t get it, Barb. Our aid is only for victims of terrorism, not for the unfortunate civilians that are blown to bits or made homeless by our courageous soldiers in Tel Aviv operating drones in Gaza.

    Barb Weir: So who qualifies as a victim of terrorism?

    Reichstein: For one thing, our aid is for Israelis only. There’s no way Palestinians in Gaza would qualify.

    Barb Weir: They will be disappointed, but I guess the Bedouins whose homes are being destroyed in the Naqab (Negev) will welcome the help, as will the victims that have been attacked by the Jewish extremist Price Tag gangs that also destroy and burn churches, mosques and other property belonging to Palestinian citizens of Israel.

    Reichstein: They are also not our focus, Barb. We’re about helping Jewish victims, not Christians, Arabs, Muslims or other non-Jews.

    Barb Weir: So how many Jewish victims are there, Ms. Reichstein?

    Reichstein: We’re all victims, Barb, but these funds will go to the most deserving, and both of them will be grateful.

Author: Barb Weir

Barb Weir is the pseudonym of a writer and social justice advocate in the San Francisco Bay Area.

2 thoughts on “Operation Pillar of Cloud: Jewish Feds raise $5 million for both victims

  1. Dear Ontogram,

    There’s a reason that the material published by this site is called satire. It’s intended to mock and ridicule.

    I’m sorry. I didn’t know that a dog was also injured. I’m sure the Jewish Federations will find funds to give it the best care. As far as I know, the Jewish Federation has no policy against caring for dogs, as long as they are Jewish dogs.

  2. “courageous soldiers?” You are joking! Here is a well-trained, well-equipped modern army replete with tanks, an Air Force and advanced weapons and these “courageous” boys take on a handful of Hamas youth armed with a few homemade rockets and Kalashnikov arms. Some heroes! Abd $5 million? As far as I know, a dog was injured by a rocket in Israel. I suppose the %5 million will go toward the operations needed to fix up the dog. In the meanwhile, scores of innocents are slaughtered in Gaza. The Jewish Federation is a mafia of twisted values and racist beliefs.

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